Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Trying to do it all (with God's help)

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Early morning business calls
Question: "So what does a 'business manager missionary' do!?
(And why should I support him?)

Well, that's a complicated question! We can't speak for other church bodies, or even other mission fields (countries) within our own church body, but we can describe the situation in our own mission field of Papua New Guinea, specifically the Highland provinces.

Back in the 1960's and early 70's, when the LCMS had as many as 100 missionary families in PNG alone, we had many specialists. There were multiple Seminary Professors, Theological Educators, Medical Doctors and Nurses, Music Directors, Business Managers, Disaster/Mercy Pilots, Construction Specialists, School Principals and Teachers, Printers, Bible School Teachers, Etc. 

Specialists who were able to do their job and if a community member needed a service that they didn't provide, they could point that person to another missionary who specialized in that need.
Fast forward to the 2000's and our church body has a grand total of 4 missionary family units on the ground in PNG. This means that each of us has to be a 'Jack of All Trades' Missionary in our area.

I shall attempt to list the many hats that Michael has worn in our short time in the field. Each of these have been done in service to the church in PNG:

Planning, purchasing, and completing various construction projects
Teaching administration, structure, and stewardship at Seminary
Conference coordinator
Image may contain: one or more people, sky, cloud and outdoor
Roof repair
Conference presenter Translation
Pamphlet publisher (and printer and binder)
Student ID photographer
Graphic artist
Travel agent for remote pastors
Taxi service
Ambulance driver (proxy)
Communion wine procurement
Political Scapegoat
Social media communication
Newsletter communication
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Teaching seminary students
Solar power and generator technician
Public Relations
Appliance (large and small) repair
Event Planner
Father and Husband
Lay 'Pastor' to his Family, Catechising them and leading Matins in the home almost daily.

Today, we are your missionaries in this place, trying to be the hands and feet of our Lord. Regardless of our training or job description, whatever needs to be done we try to do it to the best of our ability.with God's help...and yours. This is why you should support us, with your prayers, and continuing funding.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you, your family and your work! Praying for more LCMS missionaries.
