Thursday, October 26, 2017

Recurring Gift Help for Missionary

Dear Missionary supporter,

My family and I are ready to go back to Papua New Guinea, but a shortfall in our funds means we have to stay in the US and raise more support. Some of you may not know this, but all of our financial support comes from individual donors like you. So I am reaching out to you to please consider the following:

The LCMS Office of International Mission told us that more Recurring Gifts would provide a stable basis for us, and allow us to continue our work of spreading the Gospel in PNG. Specifically, here is how you can help us:

*The easiest way is to go online to
·         Scroll down and click on the red ‘Give Now’ button
·         Enter in the amount you want to give
·         On the next line where it says ‘Type of Gift’ click the button for ‘Recurring Gift’
·         Choose a ‘Frequency’. (The system can only receive funds on the 14th day)
·         The other fields are your personal information. Then click ‘Donate Now’ and you’re finished.

*If you do not have online access you may call 888-930-4438 to speak with someone about setting up a Recurring Gift.

Please know that any amount of support will help, and with your donation my family and I will soon be on our way back to PNG. May the Lord bless you as we celebrate the Reformation, and the free gift of forgiveness won for us by our Savior Jesus Christ.
Your Missionary,

1 comment:

  1. Praying that God will get you back to doing His work in Papua New Guinea.
