Friday, June 29, 2018

Learning to Fly

The model airplane sat in a box. I kept seeing it, but never prioritized taking it out and putting it together. When I contemplated using it I had a sense of foreboding. I thought that I would surely ruin the plane by crashing it into something, probably the ground. I had never flown one before and I was reluctant.

But this changed when I considered my children growing up with memories of disappointment. They would not have misgivings about property destruction, just sadness and confusion over their father's inaction. Why did I hesitate?

I've done and built many things; I've operated many kinds of vehicles; I had a wide open field at my disposal. What was my excuse? I had none. So I took the plane out and made it fly.

And it flew, three times. And it crashed five times. But it was a success because the kids had fun watching a small toy airplane soar. For a few moments, possibilities and dreams were real.

And I had fun too.

Watch the video here