Saturday, September 16, 2017

Retro Video: Hong Kong, pt. 1

On our first trip to PNG, back in Sept 2015, we first went to the LCMS Asia Region Headquarters in Hong Kong. Here is a video. We were led around by the Haugen family and subjected to a double-decker bus ride through the town. Enjoy!

The Haugen family are great people. Committed to sharing the Gospel, devout in their worship and just a little bit nutty. We love them. They were on the mission field about two years, but due to difficulties in obtaining valid paperwork were never able to get settled. They are now in Minnesota serving a wonderful congregation that appreciates their quirks :)

Stay tuned for Part 2, wherein I try to get footage of a Buddhist temple, but things go wrong...

Your missionary in Christ, ~Michael

As a missionary, my work in PNG is only possible because God has used people like you to support us. If you support us financially, please know what a blessing you have been to us and we pray that we can continue that partnership. If you have not yet and are interested in giving, you may do any of the following:

Support our work in PNG by going online to or by sending a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, PO Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Make checks payable to: The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod or LCMS
Put in the Memo line: “Ritzman-PNG

Alternately, Checks can be mailed to: Mission Central, 40718 Highway E16, Mapleton, IA 51034-7105

Thank you, and I pray that God richly blesses you in Jesus Christ. God and sinners are reconciled through the shed blood of Jesus. Our sins are atoned for, paid for, and forgiven. Peace with God is ours and Heaven is our home. Alleluia. Amen.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Video: Highlands Highway

Here's a short video of what it is like to drive on the (in)famous Highlands Highway in Papua New Guinea:

There is only one road leading from Lae, the coastal port city, up into the hills and through the 'higlands' region of PNG. Sometimes it is paved but then there are potholes, sometimes very large, that must be avoided. In addition, frequent landslides will cover over the road, or will collapse from underneath, taking the road with it.

Also, sometimes there are people that fill the streets, and they must be avoided too! Then there are dogs that wander into the road, and pigs, and goats. Once, I rounded a corner and a large cow was running in my lane straight at my car. I swerved to avoid it and watched as it ran past with about twenty men running after it.

Driving on the Highlands Highway is a little like being in a boxing match. You are constantly on guard, you never know what to expect, and so you can never relax. Sounds fun, right? Strangely you get used to it.

Blessings to you all. Pray for safe travels, in PNG and everywhere else.

Your Missionary in Christ, ~Michael Ritzman

**As a missionary, my work in PNG is only possible because God has used people like you to support us. If you support us financially, please know what a blessing you have been to us and we pray that we can continue that partnership. If you have not yet and are interested in giving, you may do any of the following:

Support our work in PNG by going online to  
or by sending a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, PO Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Make checks payable to: The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod or LCMS
Put in the Memo Line: “Ritzman-PNG

Alternately, Checks can be mailed to:  
Mission Central, 40718 Highway E16, Mapleton, IA 51034-7105